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Planned Giving Program for Charities & Churches

Advisors with Purpose™ is a non-denominational Christian ministry organization committed to serving donors, charities and ministries in the area of legacy giving.
Advisors with Purpose is part of the family of ministries of Financial Discipleship Canada. Our services are available to Canadians exclusively through our relationships with our Partner Charities. We offer planned giving specialists who can help your donors think through their decisions regarding their estate and ensure that their estate plan and Will reflects their life, faith and values while ensuring that they understand and implement the best tax strategies available.
We launched partnerships with charities and ministries across Canada in 2010 to provide outsourced Planned Giving services. Currently, nearly 60% of Canadians do not have a current or up-to-date Will. Often, when a Will is done, many simply create one with their lawyer or online without any plans or strategy. We provide the resources you need to communicate to your donors their need for a plan and then work with them to create a complete, and confidential plan for their Wills. 
Our Estate specialists meet with them by phone or zoom to review their information, answer questions, offer support, explain options and provide them with a plan that is ready to bring to their lawyer to complete their Wills. It is important to note that this process and our work with your donors is free to them because of our partnership with a charity, fully confidential, there is never any obligation and we do not sell any products. You can be confident that your donors are receiving personalized service and information from professional estate planners who will steward your donors well and provide them with the best options available. 
For more information on partnerships, contact Tanya.